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Elements Overview

The element entries that follow generally include the following information:

  • Brief summary Brief summary of the element’s purpose
  • Standard syntax HTML 4.01, HTML5, or XHTML 1.0 syntax for the element, including attributes and event handlers defined by the W3C specification
  • Attributes defined by browser Additional syntax defined by different browsers
  • Standard events Descriptions of event handler attributes for the element
  • Events defined by browser Additional event attributes introduced by other browsers, primarily by Internet Explorer
  • Examples Examples using the element
  • Compatibility The element’s general compatibility with HTML and XHTML specifications and browser versions
  • Notes Additional information about the element

Listings of attributes and events defined by browser versions assume that these attributes and events generally remain associated with later versions of that browser. For example, attributes defined by Internet Explorer 4 are valid for Internet Explorer 5 and higher, and attributes defined for Netscape 4 remain valid for Netscape browsers as well as Firefox. Safari information focuses on Safari 2 and 3. The Google Chrome browser is not always directly called out in this book, but, given its reliance on the WebKit engine, you should assume Safari entries will apply to this browser. Compatibility pre-Opera 4 is determined via research not testing; in cases of uncertainity we assume support from Opera 4. Of course, reasonably this is more for historical accuracy and will simply not affect modern Web developers.